' vinSUITE - Blog - Win Over Younger Wine Drinkers: The Rise of Custom Wine Club Subscriptions
Win Over Younger Wine Drinkers: The Rise of Custom Wine Club Subscriptions

Wine clubs have become a cornerstone of direct-to-consumer (DTC) wine sales. While overall wine consumption may be dipping, according to the Silicon Valley Bank’s 2024 State of the Wine Industry Report, wine clubs remain a strong revenue stream, especially for premium wineries. However, with the average club member aging (many over 60), wineries need to find ways to attract younger wine lovers.

Custom subscription wine clubs are the answer. They offer a level of flexibility and personalization that appeals to younger generations while still allowing wineries to control key aspects like wine selection and shipment timing.

Benefits of Custom Subscription Wine Clubs

  • Increased Customer Satisfaction and Retention: Customization caters to modern consumers who value personalized experiences, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty. This reduces member churn and boosts the long-term value of your club.

  • Improved Inventory Management: Minimum bottle or order value thresholds help you manage stock levels better. Balancing customization with operational efficiency is crucial for profitability in a changing market.

  • Enhanced Customer Insights: Custom orders provide valuable data on consumer preferences. Use this to refine marketing strategies and inform product development. Knowing which wines are popular in custom orders helps you tailor your offerings and predict future trends.

Crafting Your Club

  • Broad Selection: Include all your club-eligible wines in the order template. This saves time each club run and offers members a wide variety.

  • Limited Release Exclusives: Feature special limited-edition wines to generate excitement and increase perceived value.

  • Mandatory with Customization: Include one mandatory wine per shipment and allow members to customize the rest. This maintains control while offering personalization.

  • Pre-Ship Communication: Before the customization window opens, tell members about featured wines, highlight new releases, and suggest upsells. This builds anticipation and encourages customization.

Spreading the Word: How to Market Your Custom Club

Communicating the benefits of custom wine clubs is vital for attracting new members. Leverage SMS marketing for its immediate and interactive nature, perfect for encouraging customization or order additions. Automated reminder emails (ASEs) can also enhance engagement by notifying members of upcoming shipments and customization deadlines. Highlight the flexibility, personalization, and exclusive benefits of your custom clubs in marketing campaigns to attract a diverse range of consumers.


Keeping Members Happy

  • Customer Communication: Keep members informed about options and changes. Personalized communication enhances the member experience, making them feel valued. Regular updates about shipments, customization periods, and special offers keep members engaged and satisfied. Utilize email, SMS, and social media for effective communication.

  • Offering Flexibility: Allow members to update preferences and skip shipments without penalty. A diverse wine selection caters to a broader audience. Flexible membership options, like different shipping frequencies and customizable order quantities, cater to varying consumer needs and enhance satisfaction.

  • Creating Exclusive Experiences: Host virtual tastings and events for club members to foster a sense of community and exclusivity. Offer special releases, member-only benefits, and personalized experiences to incentivize membership and add value beyond the wine itself. Exclusive experiences enhance the overall value proposition of your wine club, making it more attractive to potential members.

Ready to attract younger wine lovers and boost your bottom line? Learn more about creating a custom subscription wine club for your winery today!

Post By:   vinSUITE
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